About ORHA

Otsego Rural Housing Assistance, Inc.

Over 40 Years of Outstanding Service to the Community

Established in 1984, Otsego Rural Housing Assistance, Inc. (ORHA) is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and the sole housing preservation company in Otsego County. The major focus of our housing assistance and community development work is directed toward county-wide programs and initiatives. In recent years, we’ve focused on four types of programs:

  • Owner-occupied home rehabilitation and emergency repairs for low-income and elderly homeowners, including mobile homes on land the occupant owns. Our funding sources for these initiatives have included the New York State HOME program, the Affordable Housing Corporation, and Community Development Block Grants.
  • Consultation and coordination for home accessibility modifications to assist homeowners with disabilities and to support aging in place. These programs have historically included Access to Home, Access to Home for Veterans, and RESTORE.
  • Administration of the HUD Section 8 rental assistance program in Otsego County through a contract with New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR). Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers allow eligible residents to seek rental housing that works for them, assisted by the voucher that will pay a major portion of their combined rent and utility costs.
  • Consultation, grant writing, grant administration, and development planning for towns, villages, and organizations in Otsego County. Call us for details!

Most of our programs serve low-income county residents, as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development.
Photo by Anmari Linardi

The ORHA Team

Our team at ORHA includes our staff and board, as well as our community partners, the contractors we work with, our funding partners, and others.

We work together to help make your experience finding support as easy as possible.

Our Staff

Our staff is made up of dedicated individuals who coordinate and oversee all of our programs.

  • Bridget Stith, Executive Director
  • Kimberley Adee, Finance Manager & Rent Assistance Manager
  • Anne Tandle, Program Manager
  • Sara Burgher, Associate Program Manager

Our Board of Directors

The ORHA Board is made up of volunteers from throughout the county who act under the organization’s Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws. A copy of our Articles and By-Laws can be obtained upon request.

  • Greg Crowell, President
  • Adam Freniere, Vice President
  • Trevor Fuller, Treasurer
  • Sue Miller, Secretary
  • Sheryl Champen
  • Carina Franck
Interested in board service? Email orha@otsegoruralhousing.org. We particularly welcome inquiries from professionals with legal, financial, or fundraising experience!

Our Past & Present Partners

Contact Us

We welcome your questions, partnership opportunities, and comments! Our work does take us out and about all over the county, though, so be sure to leave a message if we miss your call. We will get back to you as soon as we are able.

If you would like to visit us in person, please call us to make an appointment! We do not accept walk-ins and may be in an appointment or on the road.

Main Office

Contact at our main office if you would like to discuss our rehabilitation and repair programs or a more general topic relating to our work.

Our office is generally open 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on weekdays.

Rental Assistance Office

Contact our rental assistance office if you would like to discuss the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program.

Our office is open Monday and Wednesday through Friday, from roughly 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. No one is in the rental assistance office on Tuesdays.

Stay in Touch

Follow our Facebook Page for updates on new programs and more.